Friday, December 31, 2010

Mehrry Christmas and... LAST DAY OF THE YEAR!

Hope you had a great Christmas! I kept busy, haven't blogged for what seems like forever. I scooped out fairly well at Christmas - receiving a rice cooker (hello rice pudding and sushi!), a really good iron, towel sets for my new girly bathroom, Scrabble Trickster (thanks baby hehe), a new chip card for ANIMAL CROSSING DS (awesome!) and chocolates. Oh and a cocktail shaker and recipe card set that I have to share with the Boy, but that's ok, we're good at sharing.

Right now I'm sitting in the lounge, early morning, with the doors thrown open and a sunny breeze flowing through. I've also got a stick of incense in the burner, giving my little apartment a real cozy, homey smell, and I had toast for breakfast just earlier. I wish I didn't have to get up and get ready for work soon, but on the other hand I'm excited as I've just had two days off and we have fabulous food there. 

Along the way, I'm particularly proud of the post I just made at my wordpress blog, so if you're having a fashion moment go there, and leave me a comment to let me know what you think!

Back soon - keep your hats on! B

(imgs all sourced at

Monday, December 20, 2010

Seriously considering Kittenzenship.

My friend is giving away this kitten, and I'm in love. I just rang my mumma to ask if she thought it would be irresponsible to bring a kitten into my life at this stage, and she said if I was prepared to cover the costs and look after it she didn't see why not. So I'm going to pop up to the vet's tomorrow after Christmas shopping to double check costs, and then I might just do it and say yes.

Look at those flipping eyes.

Dimmeys' Revelations.

Oh, I'm sorry, we just recently had the grand opening of a Dimmey's chain store/cheap shop in our darling little town, and I didn't give you a detailed, documentary style overview of my virgin venture in.

It certainly lived up to it's catch cry - it was more than I bargained for. It was awesome. My only regret is that my boyfriend took me, and I was consequently dragged from the store after only the shortest amount of time ('babbbbe, I'm sick of this shop, lets go!'). I still managed to get some bargains, while he was off buying my brother a $2 bike pump and my dad a tin of shortbread for Christmas.

One LA Lakers Christmas tree bauble, four Union Jack tea towels and a black smock apron (when I cook, it gets messy).

I LOVE my bauble. I hate christmas decorations, but this will hang proudly on the little live Christmas tree my boy swears he will get me for Christmas (he says it is depressing going to my house during the holidays due to the lack of festive decorations). I might even take a picture!

Summer Heat Christmas

It's been so hot here that the candle I keep on my outdoor settee, which is normally the shape of a shiny ball, has melted into a chubby little lump of wax on its plate. Today is the first day in one week that I haven't had all the doors and curtains closed to assist the air conditioner in its war against severe humidity. It has been horrible! Sometimes it is hard to breathe because of the hot, heavy, moist air we have here in the summer.

So we deal the only way we know how: the Boy and I dragged my bed out into the kitchen so we could sleep under the air conditioner, we spend the afternoon in the lounge room in our undies watching movies and blogging, we run in the rain (when it finally comes down) and we drink plenty of beers to keep our minds off the heat. And Christmas is coming! So we've been planning and being all secretive for that.

Christmas day with the Boy's big family is a festive affair. We go in the morning and everyone spreads out on the lounge room floor to open presents, before heading outside to begin with beers and a three-hour long water fight, followed by the biggest lunch and consequent siesta. I can't wait; Christmas day will be my first day off for the last 6 weeks, and I intend to enjoy it supremely.

Daisy Getting Lowe with Esquire

Daisy Daisy Daisy.

I want to show lovely pictures of you to demonstrate why you are one of my dominant style icons... but it is so hard to find some where you have anything on!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Life According to Facebook

There is an app where you can turn your status updates from the past annum into a page of writing. Check it.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

There's a Mouse in the House!

The following is an exerpt taken from, comparing the glam to the BOHO. For me, boho wins. I've never been able to pull off the high-maintenance nature of glam... no matter how much my darling best friend primped me. She gave up after high school and left me to my left-of-center ways (whilst loving me just the same). I like my hair messy!

'Here’s how to steal Jessica Szohr’s beautiful boho look, created by celebrity hair stylist Patrick Melville, of Patrick Melville Spa and Salon:


"Jessica was going for a rock ‘n’ roll look that was part street, part editorial. She wanted me to create a dread lock effect that was edgy, chic, sexy and very Armani Exchange," reflects Patrick Melville.

Melville took half inch sections of Jessica’s hair and twisted them. He then sprayed the sections withL’Oreal Elnett Hairspray. Finally, he hit the pieces with a flat iron, and pressed down the length of the hair to break it up and create a piecy, almost dread lock-like effect.'

So I really like that effect, and I will try it next time I get out... (no mean feat when you work 7 days). I love my hair scruffy and bed-reminiscent; usually I just spray litres of hairspray and scrunch away at the roots.

Another muse of mine at the moment - the delicious Olivia Wilde. I love her outfit for the Escarda Desire Me launch; she looks fabulous and her dress is a similar shape to what I like to wear.

I do love a good shapeless, silky sack (no sarcasm intended), and those shoes are nice too.

On an entirely different and personal note, I kicked my brother out of the house last week, not on uncertain or really bad terms, I was just a bit sick of being the housemaid. Normally my house is kept magazine worthy - I like it to be as neat and clean as a pin... however whenever my dear brother is around, that is apparently impossible. So I sent him off to live with his more understanding friends, and I hear they are living the dream. I, on the other hand, had a pretty good morning beginning a big 'reset' clean. I can't wait for my little house to be back to normal - we can have a lovely couple of last months together before I pack it all up and move to the Big City!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Something Refreshing? Jessica Szohr's Smile :)


It's genuine, happy and ever-present, and it makes me smile just google-ing her. I love this girl! And not only that - her style is impeccable. See my latest JS wordpress post here.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Be As Wise As You Are Beautiful.

Just got back from afternoon tea with my Dad. We had iced mochas in great big cold glasses with milky dribbles down the sides.

He is going to help me with my move. Good old Dad... I can always depend on him to get me from A to B (just not always on time). But its ok, he'll be perfect for the job! We'll use the trailer and tarp it up well so no rain can get in and spoil my things. May is only five months away!

It's rainy here today, but it won't actually rain properly. I like to sit in the lounge on humid, overcast Queensland days like this and just crank the air-con, with all the curtains closed. And snuggle in my feather blanket and blog.

And the baby next door just won't be quiet!

Poor little baby.