Friday, February 04, 2011

Smok-edy Jigg-edy Kiss-elly Oo

Image via Instagram

This week has been a huge one already. I spent my whole two days off getting my CV in pristine order so I may commence to apply for jobs in the Melbourne. Let the finger crossing begin! This is the part I hate the most about this whole operation - the applying for things. I have one hundred percent control over how much I save, when I decide to leave my job here, when I pack up my house and when I go... but this applying business? I have no control over that. I'm a little autumn leaf being tossed around in the big city of Melbourne, it's daunting work force and housing. I know I want to be there... but I don't know for sure yet just where I'll end up. 

Oh well, just relax. What's meant to be, will be!

There's this one place in Melbourne that is my biggest haunt ever. I use the term loosely, because I'm not yet a true, honorary Melbournian... but I've been back there many times with my boyfriend, my mum, my siblings and my best friends. Its just the best. The coffee is insane, the food is just delicious and simple, and the service! The people that work there are just so cool. The owner dude is Irish, and when he comes to get your order, he just plops right down at your table like you've been friendies forever. Perhaps to some uptight individuals this would seem like an invasion of some kind of personal bubble... but to me - this is a friendie for life! The place is Tweek, and it's on Bridge Road, just down from The Vine hotel. 

So as you may be able to tell... I've developed a bit of a crush on dear Tweek, and have been dreaming of working there since the day I first stepped inside. That said - I've written a love/cover letter, to some description, which I intend to post in an envelope with my CV and little pink hearts that fall out when the package is opened. I really want a job there... maybe, just maybe, they'll have a small opening and I can be a barista again!

Otherwise, I think all my plans are so far on track. My mind has been in overload the past few days... thinking about mail re-direction and changing addresses, applications, tidying in preparation to pack and spending invaluable time with everyone here that I love. I don't think that, at this stage, there's a lot more I can or need to do... except spend as little money as possible. 

Oh, PS, if anyone would like to give me house warming/going away presents, there's this cute dome kettle and queen-size cupcake quilt cover set at Target, both of which I really love but can't justify the spending for right now. So there people - don't trip over each other! xx

1 comment:

  1. Good luck!
    I want to move to Melbourne so bad!!!

