Friday, October 01, 2010

The First of October.

If I lived in Brisbane, I would be going here tonight ^. Instead, I'm going to a Hypnotist/Illusionist show and dinner at our local club.

A few changes have come about in the last week or so at work. I'm no longer the manager of my little coffee shop :( however, I've been promoted to a full time chef's position in the kitchen. This means split shifts every day, and working most weekends still, but it also means a lot less stress and the chance to learn heaps of new skills - another notch on my now rather extensive resume. Upon hearing the news, my 12 year old brother was rather impressed - 'Wow, she's really going somewhere with her life! She can do everything!' This made me feel a bit better. I must say, that coffee shop was my baby, but its time to move on.

I go on holiday in 5-6 days!

xx B

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